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Connie Young Yu

1925, A Moment from Connie Young Yu's Story

On April 29, 1925, Connie Young Yu's grandmother Jeung Hing Tong (Mrs. Lee Yoke Suey) was released from Angel Island detention after fifteen and one-half months of separation from her family. On January 15, 1924, Connie's mother (Mary Lee Young) and her two sisters were so excited, sailing home through the Golden Gate after living in China. Their joy became grief as the were soon separated from their just widowed mother (her husband, Mr. Lee Yoke Suey had passed away due to stomach cancer on the voyage home). As American-born children they were allowed to land in the United States, but as their mother was born in China, she was denied entry. A long court appeal finally secured her release and the family was reunited in San Francisco.

To read a PDF version of Connie Young Yu's Story, please click here.